Gabby Merrill McGraw
3 min readMar 17, 2020


The Benefits of Keeping a Gratitude Journal During Hard Times

Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

Keeping a gratitude journal — it’s something that I started many years ago and then I stopped. I don’t recall why but I did. Then I decided to start it back up again in January of this year. I keep a little notebook and pen on my nightstand and every night, I scribble out 5 things that brought me joy that day.

2020 felt like the year where I was taking my life back and a gratitude journal seemed like a great way to engage myself in the habit of feeling grateful I am a glass half-full kind of girl but sometimes life can take over and leave me feeling a bit depleted. Being mindful of the good things is a beautiful way to spark joy.

Writing just five things a day that helped fill my cup has become a wonderful way to close my day. Somedays, coming up with five things feels like a lot and other times, it feels like it’s not enough. In other words, some days we have to look a little harder for what makes us grateful and some days it is so obvious.

Life happens. The happy, sad and all of the in-between emotions come in waves, but we can always find something to be grateful for. Maybe it’s the air we breathe, the sunshine on our faces, the much overdue rain to quench the earth. Maybe it’s the feel of our spouse’s hug, our kids’ laughter, or a funny text from a friend.

A few famous folks like Oprah Winfrey and Tony Robbins swear by keeping a gratitude journal. Ariana Huffington says, “Focusing on the things that you are grateful for on a daily basis can help you in the long run.”

As we are in the middle of a very mind-boggling time amidst the news of the Covid-19 pandemic, keeping ourselves aligned emotionally is crucial to our sanity and mental health. Many people are spinning out of control.

The worry meters are running on high and charting the unknown and what’s to come is unsettling. As humans, we like to know what to expect and feeling like we don’t have control makes us feel well, out of control!

As a self-professed Type A person, I do not like feeling out of control. I am not a ‘go with the flow’ kind of person. As an empath, I feel the energy all around me and even if I am feeling mentally strong, my heart starts to feel the negative energy and the fear. This makes me feel out of control and helpless. Suddenly I am spinning down that dark rabbit hole.

This is where simple daily practices such as gratitude journals and meditation can help keep is grounded. These little things don’t require a lot of time or energy but can remind us that we have a job. We can focus on the positive as well as our breath which helps us feel centered.

We simply can’t control everything, and life is full of curveballs. We are charting new territory and we don’t know how long we will be in this space for, but we do know that we can still choose to be grateful for so many small things. Everything is temporary. This much I know to be certain.

We can also take a moment to ground ourselves with some deep breathes and meditation. This is a newer practice to me, but I do feel the shift when I practice mindful breathing and just being in my own body. It’s a time just for me. A time away from the noise and chaos of the outside world.

So will you join me in grabbing pen + paper to share five things that bring you joy today? Maybe this simple practice will remind you of what is good in your life versus what is out of your control. It’s a beautiful yet simple habit that can evoke a postive shift in your mood or mindset.

Today I am grateful for:

  1. sunshine
  2. morning walks
  3. my families health
  4. a roof over my head
  5. funny texts from friends

“The struggle ends when the gratitude begins.” — Neale Donald Walsh



Gabby Merrill McGraw

A fan of story telling and listening to the magic that is the story of others.